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Another Joint Meeting with Clive


Several months ago we tried something new...a joint meeting with the Clive Democrats and it was a huge success. More people, more fun, more information and a great time. So...we've decided to keep this up for awhile.

On Tuesday the 30th of May we'll hold our joint meeting at

on 8th Street in West Des Moines and we'll be in the party room. So, come early (6:00PM) order off the menu and mingle a bit before our 6:30PM start.

Confirmed, at this time, is our own House Minority Leader, Jennifer Konfrst (D-WH) who we recently saw at a special Iowa Democratic Party Event with Party Chair Rita Hart...and what excitement. No "shrinking flower" Jennifer is taking our message to every corner of the state. You've got to come and listen to her dynamic challenge.

To get to Gilroy's on 8th Street in West Des Moines from Windsor Heights head south on 63rd Street to Ashworth, turn right (West) and then turn right (North) on 8th Street. There is road construction going on just north of the restaurant so...ya gotta go around but don't let that stop you.!

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