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 Friends working   for a better Iowa.

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A progressive voice for Iowa working families.

The Windsor Heights Democrats exist to provide a platform for the progressive causes important to working families in Windsor Heights and in the State of Iowa. We’re here to learn and then advocate. We are here to be a volunteer base for candidates in the general election. We are here to give voice to Democrats in Windsor Heights and we are an all-volunteer force.

What We Believe

Affordable Healthcare

We believe that it's past time to create a system that works for all Iowans and doesn't cause so many to declare bankruptcy.

Public Education

We believe in public education and proper funding so we can retain high-quality teachers and once again become the leading education state in the nation.

Equal Justice

We believe there is something radically wrong in a justice system that incarcerates such a high percentage of people of color when they make up a fraction of our population.

Equal Opportunity

We believe that Iowa can and should be more supportive of women-owned and minority-owned businesses through grants and direct stimulus.

Our Blog

Ready to Learn More?

Fill out the form, or call us to learn more..

NOTE: We will NOT share your email with any other group or individual without your permission.

Join us! Membership in the Windsor Heights Democrats is just $10 a year.  You can donate via Act Blue or mail a check to Windsor Heights Dems, 2009 80th Street, Windsor Heights, IA 50324


Service Area: Windsor Heights

Meetings are held at Gilroy's Kitchen + Pub + Patio (1238 8th St., West Des Moines) on the final Tuesday of each month

Thanks for submitting!

© 2025 Windsor Heights Democrats. All rights reserved. 

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